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Sarah should have gotten this house. A visitor comes to call.

I am active on a website called It is a place where people can ask and/or answer questions. It is a fascinating site that can suck years of your time reading or pontificating. I have millions of views for my answers. Maybe ten people agree with me, but millions of views. I was asked this question:

What is the rudest thing a guest has done in your house while paying you a visit? Are you still friends?

This kind of fits.

We bought a new house, and the yard needed some care. I was out working on it when a woman driving past pulls over to the opposite side of the road near to me and waved me over. The neighbors have been wonderful and friendly, and I like people. So, I stop and go over with a big smile to meet someone new.

“Are you doing work for the Janes (some name like this)?”

“No. We just moved into this house.” I introduce myself. She does not return the favor.

“I was told Sarah Janes put a bid on this house. You are not her husband.” (More of a statement than a question.)

“No. I don’t know them. My wife’s name is—” and I reintroduce myself.

She looks at me with a stern, disapproving look and says, “Sarah should have gotten this house.”

“Well, we own it now. It is a great house.” I am not going to apologize to a passerby I have never met for buying our home.

She huffs and drives away. I still see her occasionally and wave.

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Read excerpts from Trolls and other Trouble - Book One
Read excerpts from Prophecies and other Problems - Book Two