A gallery in a museum with huge posters of David's novels on the walls. To the left is a beautiful, dark-haired woman dressed in leather armor with daggers on her bodice. Next to her to the right is a handsome dark-haired man dressed in futuristic body armor. Both are staring at the viewer.

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Science Fiction

The cover for the novel The Fall of Heaven. The background of the cover image is that of space. A large, bright blue planet fills three quarters of the image, glowing in the darkness. Red flames and plumes of smoke surround a white spacecraft. The title, THE FALL OF HEAVEN, is in stout, blocky letters with strong white strokes defining the letters, and the interior color is a translucent black that lets the viewer see the flames and planet behind them. The words Book One in the Newcastle Saga, a reader's quote The Bourne Identity meets Blade Runner,and David S. Grunwell are the remaining text.

The Fall of Heaven

Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, intrigue, war, robots, colony planet, assassins
Book One in the Newcastle Saga

The beautiful blue planet of New Jerusalem is home to the wonderous megacity of Heavensport, “the place where dreams come true.” For Rolland Newcastle, that dream is not to die.

Rolland inherited his troubles from his ancestors, the legal owners of New Jerusalem. After cryrosleeping for 223 years, they found that technological advances had allowed squatters’ ships to make the journey in just 3.5 years.

Arriving 200 years later, they found an established world that didn’t want them. The Fall of Heaven was just the start.

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The cover for the novel The War Within. The background scene is an underground hallway with metal, white walls and that could be in a spaceship. Flames are shooting in from the left and lower half of the image. A handsome dark-haired man in futuristic armor is staring at the viewer. He looks ready to fight. The text on the page from the top down, in smaller type The biggest problems may come from inside. The large blocky title font THE WAR WITHIN, then Book Two of the Newcastle Saga, and David S. Grunwell.

The War Within

Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, intrigue, war, robots, colony planet, assassins
Book Two in the Newcastle Saga

Miles deep in the Great Solomon Mines, a covert meeting is taking place that could determine the fate of New Jerusalem and maybe the known universe. A mysterious leader and his cadre of deadly assassins arrive to change the balance of power. If they are allowed to escape, there will be hell to pay. Thrown into war, will New Jerusalem survive where beauty is at the core of the problem?

Rolland’s troubles may have started with the Fall of Heaven. This time there is The War Within.

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The cover for the novel Trolls and Other Trouble. In the dark of night, a dreaded goblin scout is staring at the reader, with its boar-like tusks, its long, pointed nose and the tiny, sharp teeth that poke out of a thick lower purple red lip. The text on the book reads Ruferto Basaretti No. 1, Trolls and Other Trouble, and David S. Grunwell. The word Trolls is shiny like gold, but it has been marred, beaten, and cut. Trouble is gold but with no bruising. Most of the other type is white with a strong, black outline.

Trolls and Other Trouble

"Best series ever! It's my guilty pleasure when I'm supposed to be doing something else. Like sleeping.”
The Adventures of Ruferto Basaretti - Number One

In the northern dell of Nöstervalley, visitors are rare, but two large and hungry trolls have come down from the mountains to feast. This startling event launches Ruferto Basaretti on an impossible journey full of peril, intrigue, and chaos stretching across much of the changing world.

Technologically advanced races once ruled this world. To their great annoyance, the era of the humans is at hand, and they see humans as just slightly more acceptable than goblins. Choosing avoidance has many humans believing the elder races are fanciful stories designed to scare children into behaving.

Walking among human society are ancient races. Some do it for profit; some because they believe the plague of humanity must be brought to a bloody end.

Meeting between cultures can bring about unexpected cascading change.

This is such a story.

The cute guy on the cover is a goblin scout. As friendly as rabid wolverines. Goblins turn into flaming black, stinky goo when struck by sunlight. It is nigh impossible to get that stuff off your shoes.

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The cover for the novel Prophecies and Other Problems. Warren, the powerful King of the Red Dragons, is high above a beautiful mideval city. Fire rages in the city from his fury. There is a river and mountians in the distance. The fearsome red dragon is charging the viewer; its bat-like wings are held wide. It is so close that  we can see is its head, scaly torso, and his wings stretching across the image from left to right. The dragon’s mouth is open baring its sharp yellow teeth in a roar. Horns adorn its broad angry head, and it has lowered its massive legs to grab. The text, Ruferto Basaretti No. 2, Prophecies and Other Problems, David S. Grunwell. Prophecies and Problems are made of shiny, beveled gold. Most of the other type is white with a strong, black outline.

Prophecies and Other Problems

“This series just keeps getting better and more exciting! I keep sneaking off to read more!”
The Adventures of Ruferto Basaretti - Number Two

A princess in peril, a prophesy, sea hags, sea goons, goblins, the army of the undead, and the angry king of the red dragons are a few of the problems that Ruferto Basaretti and Bert Kronk run into on their wild adventure that takes them across the known world.

Will they have what it takes to survive? Well, of course they do. There is a third book in this series.

Technologically advanced races once ruled this world. Many humans believe the elder races are fanciful stories designed to scare children into behaving.

Some ancient races walk among humans. Some because they believe they must bring the plague of humanity to a bloody end.

Travel can bring about enjoyable and gentle change.

This is not that story.

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The cover for the novel Dark Elf Danger. A beautiful elven woman with silver-white hair, pale skin, full blood red lips, and shockingly blue eyes is staring intensely, just to the right of the viewer. She is wearing blue-black armor and shoulder guards; it all has organic gold detailing. The background scene is a murky, blue-green mix of strong gothic pillars, and there are scores of other dark elves with her. Text on the image, Ruferto Basaretti No. 3, Dark Elf Danger, and David S. Grunwell. Dark Elf Danger is in a shiny, beveled, gold font. The other text is white with a dark black outline.

Dark Elf Danger

“I love Bert and Ruferto! I want to hang out with them and Narda!”
The Adventures of Ruferto Basaretti - Number Three

Menacing flying black ships are attacking the kingdom of Báthan! Ruferto and Bert are caught up in another adventure that flings them across the globe. Dark elves are just one of the many foes that would love to see them dead.

Once again, Ruferto and Bert prove that the advanced elder races are NOT just stories designed to scare children. They also scare adults.

Ancient races walk among mankind; a few for nefarious reasons, and one, because he has some good human friends, and for the food.

Travel often comes with trouble. With Bert and Ruferto, that usually ends up with things blowing up spectacularly, followed by more treats.

This IS that kind of story.

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